Think your hair needs some help? Your skin, eyes, and lips aren't the only body parts that may need a little boost as you age. A brand new hair treatment has first hit shelves in Central Florida salons!
The product is called "Hair Botox" by RG Cosmetics. Three local salons are some of the first in the country to try it.
Saniece Hunter runs the salon "Hair Eye Am" in Sanford. "We can't even keep it on the shelf," said Hunter. "We have people coming in and wanting 'Botox' all the time."
The product works by putting the collagen back into the hair. "No matter what race, what color your skin, if you have hair, you need Hair Botox," said Hunter. To see if it could really turn back the brush of time, we tested it on four people: a child with tighter, kinkier curls; a mother with looser curls, a young lady with bleached, damaged hair, and an expecting mom with color-treated hair. The application process is simple, but local distributor and educator Rocco Dibenardo said it must be applied in a salon.
"It's a restorative system developed in Brazil to make the hair in better condition and the side effects of it are a smoothing, that naturally occurs, during the process," said DiBenardo.